A intermediadora facilita a vida das empresas e usuários

What is a Payment Intermediary? Understanding StarsPay’s Role

A payment intermediary is a company that acts as a facilitator in financial transactions between buyers and sellers, providing an additional layer of security, simplicity, and efficiency. These companies play a crucial role in modern e-commerce, facilitating transactions and helping to build trust between buyers and sellers.

Through payment intermediaries, companies can offer their customers various payment methods swiftly. For users, besides being able to carry out their operations simply, another significant advantage is the security involved in online transactions, a topic that is increasingly relevant today.

What are the stages of a payment made through an intermediary?

Payment Initiation: The buyer selects the payment method offered by the intermediary when finalizing a purchase.

Authorization: The intermediary authenticates the buyer’s identity and verifies the credit card details or another form of payment. After this verification, the transaction is authorized.

Capture and Processing: Once authorized, the intermediary captures the funds from the buyer’s account and processes the payment. In the case of credit card payments, the intermediary verifies with the card issuer the availability of credit, approving or rejecting the transaction.

Confirmation: The intermediary notifies the seller about the payment’s success. Thus, with payment confirmation, the seller can proceed with shipping the product or providing the service.

How does StarsPay’s Intermediary Service work?

StarsPay acts as a bridge between companies and financial institutions. The company facilitates transactions, ensuring the security of customer data and the efficient receipt of payments by companies. Recently, StarsPay also announced its entry into the Mexican market, allowing the processing of payments received through SPEI, the “Mexican Pix.”

StarsPay offers important functions in payment intermediation, playing a fundamental role for its clients. For example:

  • Facilitation of Transactions: Our system allows partner companies to accept payments through Pix technology and QR Code.
  • Payment Processing: We process transactions between companies and financial institutions, ensuring that amounts are transferred quickly, securely, and efficiently.

How does our payment intermediation process work? Check out the step-by-step

  • The user logs into the site where they have an account
  • User chooses the Pix payment method, enters the desired amount, and generates the QR Code
  • The information is encrypted and transmitted
  • Verification to authorize the payment
  • The transaction is authorized
  • The amount is immediately made available on the site for the user’s use

The Security of the Process

In an era where careful handling of transactions and avoiding online fraud becomes increasingly important, StarsPay adheres to strict security measures. All transmitted information is encrypted to ensure the security of users’ financial data. Additionally, instant user validation ensures compliance with best practices. Thus, the company creates a fast and efficient process to validate user identity, providing a smooth and secure experience.