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Election in the United States Features Betting Options

Sports betting sites offer many different market options, including alternatives that are not sports-related. In addition to the outcomes of artistic awards like the Oscars or Grammys, political elections also drive betting, as is the case with the election for president of the United States.

On various betting platforms available in Brazil, it is possible to bet on who will be elected in the contest between Republicans and Democrats. After Joe Biden exited the race, Kamala Harris, the current vice president, appears as the candidate against Donald Trump, who is attempting to return to the Oval Office after his term from 2017 to 2020.

Who is the Favorite?

The most common market is which party will win the election. At the moment, the Republicans appear as favorites. On three popular betting sites that were consulted, the odds range from 1.65 to 1.80 for a party victory. The Democrats, on the other hand, have odds from 2 to 2.10 on the same sites, showing that the race is tight. An unlikely victory for the independents is also an option, with odds from 41 to 67.

Another available market deals with who will be the next president. The odds are similar to the party winner lines but take into account the possibility that one of the candidates, for any reason, might not appear on the ballot. Trump has odds from 1.67 to 1.80 on the sites consulted, while Kamala Harris has odds from 1.95 to 2.10. Michelle Obama and Robert Kennedy Jr. are alternative, highly unlikely options with high odds of around 67 to 1.

A third type of market can also be found, although it is available on fewer sites, concerning the winning party in the popular vote. This means betting on which party will receive the most votes, which does not necessarily mean the election winner, as the United States uses the electoral college system to decide the president. On one platform consulted, the Democrats are strong favorites, with odds of 1.25 against 4 for the Republicans.

Points to Note

It is worth noting that betting on other types of events should follow the same principles as sports betting. In other words: never consider betting as a form of extra income, but as entertainment, placing bets within your budget and with amounts that won’t be missed. As with a sporting event, the outcome can be surprising and affected by various factors, especially considering that the elections are only scheduled for November.