Check Out Important Tips to Protect Yourself Against Online Scams

The number of Brazilians conducting online transactions is increasing every day, and simultaneously, so are the ways that malicious individuals try to create opportunities for fraud and scams. In addition to being careful when making a Pix transfer and receiving phone calls, there are other important measures that can be taken to protect yourself.

Check Out Tips That Will Help You

Look into the Company’s Reputation

Is the company you want to buy from reliable? You can research on sites like ReclameAqui to check if the brand has good reviews, or simply search for the name on search engines. It’s also worth checking if the company has verified and official social media accounts with comments, videos, and reviews from real customers.

Pay Attention to the Website Address

One common type of scam is to mimic a well-known and trusted company’s website, making a small change in the URL, the site’s address. For example, an identical domain where a capital “I” is replaced by a lowercase “L,” making it hard to notice the change. Another tactic is to use a domain that is originally “” and create a similar site ending in “.net” or something similar.

In your web browser, you can check if the URL is secure by looking for a padlock icon next to the address, which confirms that the domain is verified. Instead of entering the site through a social media link, it’s worth carefully typing the same link into the address bar to ensure you’re accessing the desired page.

Communicate Only Through Official Channels

Are you negotiating with a company, have filled a shopping cart, or asked a question and suddenly got contacted by another email or phone number? Raise a red flag. Whenever you want to ask questions or get information, use verified official channels and remember that no company will ask you for sensitive information. When making payments, also be careful with your card and bank account details, confirming that you are on the official site and in a secure environment. Do not share such information over the phone or email.

Use Strong and Different Passwords

Do not reuse your passwords across different sites. Avoid using information like names, birthdates, and so on. Preferably, mix numbers, symbols, and uppercase and lowercase letters to create specific passwords for each site.

Have Reliable Antivirus and Wi-Fi

When making purchases on a computer, it is important that the equipment is secure and free of viruses. To achieve this, have reliable antivirus software and keep it updated. Also, avoid making purchases over open or shared Wi-Fi networks, as they can be a source of information theft.

Be Careful with Suspicious Downloads and Links

Do not click on links in suspicious emails or SMS messages. Whenever you want to access a site, prefer to type the address yourself. Downloading apps and other programs should also be done carefully and always from official sources.

If It’s Too Good to Be True…

Be wary of offers that seem too good to be true because they usually are. Appealing to people’s greed is one way scammers attract potential victims. If the price is way below normal or the conditions are too attractive, it’s worth double-checking everything and being extra cautious.

StarsPay has a support team that can help you through the email [email protected], with a response time of up to 24 business hours.

Watch the StarsPay video for tips on how to avoid scams