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Research Points to 734% Growth in Online Betting Sector Since 2021

This Saturday (15th), CNN released impressive figures from a survey conducted by Datahub, a data analysis platform. The survey showed a 734.6% growth in the online betting sector in Brazil from 2021 to April this year. The increase refers to the number of companies in the country whose main activity is the operation of gambling and online betting. In 2021, there were 26 companies, rising to 79 the following year, 138 in 2023, and 217 focused on this activity by April 2024, a jump of 79 companies in just four months.

These numbers directly reflect the legalization of sports betting in the country, which occurred in 2018, and the progressing regulation since then. Recently, the Ministry of Finance published Ordinance No. 827, defining the rules for companies wanting to operate in the country. Last Tuesday (11th), the launch of Sigap (Betting Management System) took place, through which operators will carry out the licensing process.

The clearer structuring of requirements brings legal security, increasing the interest of both Brazilian and foreign companies in getting involved in sports betting in the country. After all, a population of 215 million people, including many passionate about sports, has everything to be a standout market on the global stage.

It is worth noting that the impressive growth of the market brings with it the need for extra care in some areas, especially online fraud and responsible gambling. In the field of fraud prevention, StarsPay listed some important actions that can be taken to mitigate the possibility of falling for a scam. In responsible gambling, an area that should also be the focus of operators, regulators, and the population, it is crucial to take measures to keep the betting experience healthy and positive.